2023-09-22 12:50:08次浏览
工程名称:华南师范大学 厚度:3mm 喷涂颜色:白色粉末 面积:2000㎡ 供货施工:提供铝板及施工 工程业主:华南师范大学 | Project Name: South China Normal University Thickness: 3mm Paint color: white powder Area: 2000 square meters Construction supply : to provide aluminum plate and construction Project owner: South China Normal University |
广州大学城首期开发18平方公里,总投资规模将达到200-300亿元,作为高层次人才培养基地、领先水平的科学研究基地和广州的文化胜地,可以极大地推动广州市经济、科技和文化大发展。大学城的自然环境与配备"欧佰"室内的铝天花和室外铝幕墙景观相结合的建设思路,依附所在区域独特的自然景观及现代感的欧佰铝天花和铝幕墙的设计风格,丰富的体现广州文明现代的绚丽,将广州的文化文明特点体现在建筑设计中。 | |
The first period for the development of Guangzhou University City is 18 square miles and the total investment scale will be CNY of 20 to 30 billion. As the culturing base for high level talents, advanced scientific research base and cultural attractions of Guangzhou, it can greatly improve the economic, scientific and cultural development in Guangzhou. The construction thoughts of combining the natural environment of University City, the Aluminum ceiling equipped with the indoor "Oubuys" and the outdoor Aluminum curtain wall scenery, as well as the designing style relying on the regional unique natural scenery, the modern "Oubuys" Aluminum ceiling and Aluminum curtain wall can display the magnificence of Guangzhou modern civilization. | |
建筑,始终在"感性"和"理性"之间徘徊。然而,建筑从未能说脱离过理性的思考,哪怕原始式的住居,也凝聚了当时人们的最高智慧。从古到今,建筑的发展也往往为科学技术所左右,为材料所限制,为工艺所困惑。我们以不断寻求突破和进取的精神,客服了一个又一个困难,用科学的管理,尖端的技术,力求为客户做到尽善尽美,完成一个又一个的项目。 | |
The construction, throughout and "the rationality "the rationality" between paces back and forth in "the perception"However, the construction never can be separated from the rational ponder, even if primitive occupying, also embodied at that time peoples high wisdom. From ancient to present, the construction development also often for the science and technology institute about, limits for the material, is puzzled for the craft. We to unceasingly seek the breach and the enterprising spirit, has overcome a difficulty, with the science control, the state-of-art technology, makes every effort for the client to achieve the acme of perfection, completes a project. | |
电 话:020-29881818
网 址:www.obuyceiling.com
地 址:广州市番禺区迎宾路大石段202号自编3栋117号